To obtain a Resale Certificate, contact Goodwin & Company
What day is trash pickup? Is it OK for me to leave my carts (trash and recycle) out all week? Why do I have to pay association dues? What can I do to report a street light being out? Can I let my pets run through the neighborhood without being on a leash? Do I really need to pick up after my pet? What if I see an HOA sprinkler malfunctioning? Is a permit required by the Town for my project? Does my sidewalk need to be repaired? Is the repair my responsibility? Where can I find information regarding code enforcement within the HOA? Can I report a code enforcement issue with the town directly? What is the speed limit within our neighborhood? What if I see an unsafe condition related to traffic (e.g., vehicle parked too close to stop sign, vehicle parked blocking part of my driveway, vehicle blocking sidewalk, etc.)? Why are some fire hydrants covered with black plastic? What if I have questions not addressed here? Our trash pickup day is Tuesday (this includes bulk pickup). Please check the Town of Flower Mound's website for holiday collection information or check trash and recycling regarding trash collection and recycling information. In general, if the major holiday (New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Christmas) happens to fall on a Monday or a Tuesday, then this could result in pickup being delayed by one day, but the other "no mail delivery holidays" generally does NOT result in a delay. As Labor Day ALWAYS falls on a Monday, then trash pickup on Labor Day week is ALWAYS pushed back by a day (trash is picked up on Wednesday). And, since Thanksgiving always falls on a Thursday, our Tuesday pickup day for that week is not affected. Top
No!, you should remove your carts (trash and recycle) from the street by no later than 8:00 am the day following pickup. Please reference the town municipal code (Subpart A - General Ordinances, Chapter 34 - Environment, Article II WEEDS AND GRASS AND UNSIGHTLY OR UNSANITARY MATTER, DIVISION 3. UNSIGHTLY OR UNSANITARY MATTER, Sec. 34-81 and 34-82) found at this page. The town does monitor this as does our management company. Please help maintain the appearance of our neighborhood by promptly removing and storing your carts. Top
The association dues that all properties pay are designed to cover the cost of running the association (common area maintenance, electricity, water, and professional management fees). You will find that our association fees are among the lowest in town. Association dues are assessed in late-December and are due by the end of the following February. Top
No, Town ordinance requires animals to be on a leash when not on your property (this includes cats). Please reference the town municipal code (Subpart A - General Ordinances, Chapter 6 - Animals, Article I Section 6-1, and Subpart A, Chapter 6, Article 2, Division 1, Section 6-45) found at this page. If you notice frequent problems with animals not under control, please contact Flower Mound Animal Services at 972-874-6390 for additional options. Top
You may contact Oncor directly to report a street light being out or in need of repair from this page. You can navigate to our subdivision (or any place Oncor serves, for that matter) and simply click on the affected marker to generate a report to be worked. Top
Yes, of course you need pick up after your animal! Town ordinance requires cleanup of solid waste when not on your property. Please reference the town municipal code (Subpart A - General Ordinances, Chapter 6 - Animals, Article I Section 6-1, and Subpart A, Chapter 6, Article 2, Division 1, Section 6-42) found at this page. If you notice frequent problems with animals not under control, please contact Flower Mound Animal Services at 972-874-6390 for additional options. Top
If you see a problem or water leak with our sprinkler system at any of the entrances, please use this number, 24 hours a day, 877-378-2388 - this number is the preferred method of contacting the Association Management Team. You may also contact the Association Manager at this address, or, you may attempt to reach Carrie directly at 214-445-2735 Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm - however, again, the best bet is to use the 877-378-2388 number. Top
If you have a construction project (i.e., building a patio cover, replacing a fence, changing the color of your home exterior, building a storage shed, or other exterior construction), you still need to go through the Architectural Control Committee for approval prior to construction. If you are in doubt as to whether you need approval, please email the ACC at this address with your question or concern. Please note, the Town of Flower Mound may require a permit for your project. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary permits are obtained prior to starting your project. Top
Yes, sidewalk repairs are the responsibility of the homeowner. If you have a question as to whether the sidewalk in front of your house needs to be repaired or replaced, please reference this page. In general, though, the homeowner is responsible for the repair. Top
General code enforcement information may be found through this page regarding Code Enforcement questions. If you do not find an answer there, please contact a Board member or contact the management company. Top Yes, you may certainly report a Town code violation yourself. Please visit this link and complete the form to quickly report a Town Code Enforcement issue to the Town's Code Enforcement Department. Your submission may be made anonymously, if you wish. Top Our subdivision speed limit is 25 MPH. For the safety of everyone (and especially for our children), please observe this speed and adjust your driving accordingly. If you notice someone that consistently speeds (or has other unsafe driving habits within our neighborhood) you can call the Flower Mound non-emergency number (972) 539-0525 and give them the description of the car and license plate number. The call is anonymous and the PD may send a letter to the home of the registered owner and at least make them aware that someone may be operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner. Top Specific neighborhood related traffic issues may be addressed through email. You may send questions to the police department traffic section by using this link. Top Covered fire hydrants indicate a known maintenance concern. Additional details are found through the Town's Fire Department website link. Additionally, if you see a fire hydrant covered and want more information, please call the Flower Mound Public Works Department at 972-874-6400. Top If you have questions not addressed here, please feel free to send us an email (look at the Contact Us page for addresses. And, if your question is of a general interest in nature, then we can add it to this FAQ section. Top